Here, an overview is provided with a list of calculators that is incomplete and based on limited searches (but excluding calculators such as for treatment choices, doses, organ function). There is no endorsement attached to inclusing or non-inclusion in the list. Visitors are invited to make suggestions in the comment boxes below.
To this post and every entry in the list applies this: it does not provide medical advice and should not be seen as providing any medical advice. The list is exclusively for information purposes about the existance of such calculators. Always seek advice of a physician or qualified health care provider. The provider of is not affiliated with any provider of the listed calculators.
The calculators are typically based on one or more clinical studies and scientific publications, and they serve various purposes (column "Type"), such as
- estimating the future risk for developing a cancer or for a cancer to occur
- estimating the prognosis based on patient and cancer characteristics, before treatment
- estimating a treatment effect (of specific interventions) on an outcome
- estimating treatment-related mortality
- estimating a residual cancer burden
- estimating the risk for recurrence of a cancer
- estimating outcomes such as overall or disease-free survival
Calculators and other decision aids have been reviewed scientifically several times, which will help users understand their quality and how to best use them for making decisions; for example, see
5011 {5011:L4SNGC3A},{5011:ENB2VHQG} 1 chicago-author-date 50 default 15298 %7B%22status%22%3A%22success%22%2C%22updateneeded%22%3Afalse%2C%22instance%22%3Afalse%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22request_last%22%3A0%2C%22request_next%22%3A0%2C%22used_cache%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22data%22%3A%5B%7B%22key%22%3A%22ENB2VHQG%22%2C%22library%22%3A%7B%22id%22%3A5011%7D%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22creatorSummary%22%3A%22Stacey%20et%20al.%22%2C%22parsedDate%22%3A%222024-01-29%22%2C%22numChildren%22%3A0%7D%2C%22bib%22%3A%22%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-bib-body%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22line-height%3A%201.35%3B%20padding-left%3A%201em%3B%20text-indent%3A-1em%3B%5C%22%3E%5Cn%20%20%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-entry%5C%22%3EStacey%2C%20Dawn%2C%20Krystina%20B.%20Lewis%2C%20Maureen%20Smith%2C%20Meg%20Carley%2C%20Robert%20Volk%2C%20Elisa%20E.%20Douglas%2C%20Lissa%20Pacheco-Brousseau%2C%20et%20al.%202024.%20%26%23x201C%3BDecision%20Aids%20for%20People%20Facing%20Health%20Treatment%20or%20Screenin, Dawn, Krystina B. Lewis, Maureen Smith, Meg Carley, Robert Volk, Elisa E. Douglas, Lissa Pacheco-Brousseau, et al. 2024. “Decision Aids for People Facing Health Treatment or Screening Decisions - Stacey, D - 2024 | Cochrane Library.”
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, January.
Hoffmann, Tammy C, and Elizabeth Gibson. 2025. “An International Environmental Scan of the Scope and Characteristics of Patient Decision Aids Which Are Freely Available Online.”
Patient Education and Counseling 130 (January):108484.
Cancer risks, prognosis and outcomes calculaters
The table is populated with references to various websites that offer tools into which individual patient information can be entered in order to calculate the patient's risks and outcomes. Some calculators provide nomograms, others specific estimates. Keywords and other information was added to enhance the overview but without any claim this is correct; visitors are invited to comment below. Links open in a new window or tab of the browser. References